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Riyad Bank announces the organization of a telephone meeting to discuss its financial results during the second quarter of 2020

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In the desire of Riyad Bank to enhance transparency and disclosure, Riyad Bank will organize on Tuesday 28 July 2020 a telephone meeting with shareholders, financial analysts and representatives of investment agencies, to discuss the results of the second quarter of the year 2020 AD.

<p>In the desire of Riyad Bank to enhance transparency and disclosure, Riyad Bank will organize on Tuesday 28 July 2020 a telephone meeting with shareholders, financial analysts and representatives of investment agencies, to discuss the results of the second quarter of the year 2020 AD.</p><p>Participation data in this meeting sent to the shareholders registered on the Tadawulati Services website by text message explaining the attendance mechanism.</p><p>For more information, please contact the Investor Relations Department by one of the following means: <br /> Direct phone: 0112763007 <br /> Email: investor.relations@riyadbank.com</p>


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