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Riyad Bank receives two JP Morgan awards

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Riyad Bank has recently received JP Morgan’s Elite Quality Recognition Award for Outstanding Achievement of Best-in-Class MT103 STP and MT202 STP. These awards are presented to banks that achieve the highest rates of efficiency in managing international transfers and treasury transactions.

<p>Riyad Bank has recently received JP Morgan’s Elite Quality Recognition Award for Outstanding Achievement of Best-in-Class MT103 STP and MT202 STP. These awards are presented to banks that achieve the highest rates of efficiency in managing international transfers and treasury transactions.</p><p>It is worth to mention that Riyad Bank offers a wide range of services and products that are specially designed to keep pace with the international business requirements of both retail and corporate customers in order to allow them to manage their financial and commercial transactions with banks and non-financial institutions across the world with utmost security and privacy.</p>


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