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Riyad Bank is the top supporter of SMEs for the second consecutive year

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Riyad Bank was recognized as the top supporter of Kafala Program, the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Funding Guarantee Program, in terms of the number of financed enterprises and the value of credit facilities. Riyad Bank has maintained its lead with funding 39% of the total number of enterprises that have received credit facilities through Kafala program for the 3rd quarter of this year and the 3rd consecutive year.

<p>Riyad Bank was recognized as the top supporter of Kafala Program, the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Funding Guarantee Program, in terms of the number of financed enterprises and the value of credit facilities. Riyad Bank has maintained its lead with funding 39% of the total number of enterprises that have received credit facilities through Kafala program for the 3rd quarter of this year and the 3rd consecutive year.</p><p>This success comes as a result of the Bank’s belief that this vital sector substantially contributes to developing and diversifying the sources of the national income, creating job opportunities, and promoting exports. Riyad Bank is keen to maximize the chances of success by offering the necessary resources and services to meet the entrepreneurs’ needs and aspirations.</p><p>Riyad Bank is the best choice for financing small and medium-sized enterprises due to its clear vision and comprehensive strategy that allows the bank to offer a wide range of facilitated financing solutions dedicated to the small and medium-sized enterprises through 20 specialized centers across the Kingdom, managed by highly qualified national professionals.</p>


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